Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I Finally Found Someone

I Finally Found Someone
Who Knocks Me Off My Feet
I Finally Found The One 
Who Makes Me Feel Complete...

It Started Over Coffee
We Started Out As Friends
It's Funny How From Simple Things
The Best Things Begin...

This Time Is Different  (La La La La)
It's All Because Of You!..
It's Better Than It's Ever Been
Cuz We Can Talk It Through

My Favorite Line Was "Can I Call You Sometime?"
It's All You Had To Say...
To Take My Breath Away...

     This Is It!
     Oh, I Finally Found Someone
     Someone To Share My Life
     I Finally Found The One
     To Be With Every Night
     Cause Whatever I Do
     It's Just Got To Be You!
     My Life Has Just Begun 
I Finally Found Someone...

Did I Keep You Waiting?  (I Didn't Mind)
I Apologize  (Baby, That's Fine)
I Would Wait Forever
Just To Know You Were Mine

You Know 
I Love Your Hair... (Are You Sure It Looks Right?)
I Love What You Wear... (Isn't It Too Tight?)
You're Exceptional!
I Can't Wait For The Rest Of My Life...

  This Is It!
Oh I Finally Found Someone
Someone To Share My Life
I Finally Found The One
To Be With Every Night...
Cause Whatever I Do
  It's Just Got To Be You
  My Life Has Just Begun
I Finally Found Someone...
And Whatever I Do
It's Just Got To Be You!

My Life Has Just Begun...
I Finally Found Someone...

I love this song, from Barbara Streisand & Bryan Adams.
It's very meaningful & beautiful.

I dedicate for my dear honey, my sweet love..
the man who will marry me
 -Jonathan Ditto-

Thursday, September 9, 2010

It's me...

Hi guys! 

I'm Yellow Lily.. => ?  why Yellow?
Because Yellow is a bright that is often described as cherry and warm.
I'm very love Yellow colour. 

Now living in Jakarta. And in my hometown, Solo, during holiday.

I work as a Finance in my lovely office, "ATIKOM", one of the fastest growing IT business group in Indonesia.
I love my job..
I love my office..

And in my spare time, I choose to exercise the right side of my brain with art and craft.
My hobby is to develop my ideas for making creativity. 
I really enjoy it.
Fyi, my brand for my product is "KUNING CRAFT", unique-nice-memorable..

This's my new blog. Previously didn't write here..

On this blog, I just want to write about stories of my life, my experiences, and my ideas.
I want to share, for those of you who read ^^v

Thank for being my friends :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Be Patient, My Soul ....

It's hurt,
when people say I'm not who I am..

It's hurt,
when people are judging me too much..

It's hurt,
when people thought me can't do everything right..

Very hurt,
when I don't want it happens.. Fight and speak loudly..

What should i do?
Cry in the bathroom? Or just quite and take a deep breath?

..... ..... ..... >.< Stop crying!
Wash my face, and ... drink a glass of water.

I need to learn how to have patience, learn to be more patient.
Study how I can solve the problem.
Learn try to understand what the core of the problem, no matter how big or small.

I think, this's the hardest step, but also one of the most important of all.
How I talk n how to apologize when I really should apologize.

I know, when I understand, I automatically know how to solve the problem.

But... certainly.... I'm not a perfect person.
That's way... I try to enjoy with the process of learning.


"Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little, day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character."

(-Heraclitus Quotes-) 

Monday, August 30, 2010

Beautiful day, with spirit and positif power.

Morning guys....
This's Monday :)
It's the first day of the work week...

Sering kali kita mendengar ataupun mengatakan : I Hate Monday.
Benci pada hari Senin karena hari Senin adalah hari dimana kita memulai aktifitas kerja.
Setelah dua hari kita bersuka cita menikmati libur akhir pekan.
Terkadang, perasaan itu kita rasakan pada Minggu malam dan memuncak di pagi hari saat kita bangun.

Yup, aku sendiripun, seringkali merasakan hal yang sama.
Tapi aku sadar bahwa perasaan itu hanyalah sebuah pola pikir yang sudah terbentuk, bahwa hari Senin adalah dimulainya hari yang sibuk dan lebih-lebih untuk menuju ke akhir pekan kita harus melewati 4 hari.. Sungguh penantian panjang.. hehe..
Padahal ... semua hari adalah baik, apabila kita menikmatinya.

Hmm.... orang bijak berkata, momentum yang tepat untuk kita bisa menikmati hari adalah pada saat kita bangun di pagi hari.
Kita sendiri yg menentukan.
Dan apabila mengawali dengan bersyukur untuk hari yang baru, dan untuk nafas kehidupan yang Tuhan berikan.. Pasti sepanjang hari kita dipenuhi dengan rasa suka cita yang luar biasa.
Ya! Betul sekali...
Kita harus selalu berpikir positif karena pikiran kita akan sangat berpengaruh sepanjang hari.

Jadi.....kita harus bekerja dan mencari nafkah dengan selalu BERSEMANGAT.... dan bersuka cita setiap hari.

Aku ingin share sedikit kepada teman-teman sekalian.
Kalimat yang ku dapatkan, pada saat mengikuti misa Minggu sore kemarin.
Aku sangat menyukai kalimat-kalimat yang diambil dari Kitab Sirakh ini...

AnakKu, lakukanlah pekerjaanmu dengan sopan, maka engkau akan lebih disayangi dari pada orang yang ramah tamah.

Makin besar engkau, makin patut kaurendahkan dirimu, supaya kaudapat karunia di hadapan Tuhan.
Sebab besarlah kekuasaan Tuhan, dan oleh yang hina-dina Ia dihormati.

Kemalangan tidak menyembuhkan orang sombong, sebab tumbuhan keburukan berakar di dalam dirinya.

Hati yang arif merenungkan amsal, dan telinga pendengar merupakan idaman orang bijak.


Selamat menikmati hari yang indah sahabat-sahabatku.
Tetap selalu bersemangat dalam melakukan pekerjaan,
dan dalam menjalani kehidupan yang Tuhan berikan kepada kita.

Tidak ada rahasia untuk sebuah kesuksesan. Sukses itu bisa diraih karena kerja keras dan mau belajar dari setiap pengalaman dan kegagalan.
Tuhan tidak pernah merancangkan hal yang buruk kepada anak-anakNya, tetapi selalu memberikan kedamaian bagi yang percaya.
Dan tentu saja... Dialah yang selalu memberikan hari yang indah :)

*Have a beautiful day*

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Mom is a Love

A few days ago, i dreamed about my mom.
This often happens.
I know that i really miss her.... =(
And today is 9 years old my mom left the world.
-mmm....- the time passed very quickly ....
Seems only yesterday, i was hugging, kissing, cooking, talking together ....

She is happy in beautiful heaven now.
Yes! I believe that.

This morning, my sister also made an intention pray in the church, for our lovely mom.
She joined a morning prayer.
......sorry....-.- i couldn't go...
but i never forget to pray for my mom.
Hope my mom's sins forgiven, and always happy...sit on the lap of God in heaven.

When my mom was still alive,
my mom is a strong woman like a diamond in the rough
my mom is honest as a new baby born
my mom like the sun, always shining
my mom is kind
my mom is true
my mom is love

Oh thank you mom.....
for all the things you did
for all to being nice to us
for all the love you gave!
for all being to good dad
for teaching ABC
for teaching how to pray
for words of kindness
for showing what is life!

You're so beautiful mom :)
You always in my heart ....
I am personally....very inspirated by your life.
Very love love love you Mom..... Muachhh!
Yeah.... You're so amazing !