Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Mom is a Love

A few days ago, i dreamed about my mom.
This often happens.
I know that i really miss her.... =(
And today is 9 years old my mom left the world.
-mmm....- the time passed very quickly ....
Seems only yesterday, i was hugging, kissing, cooking, talking together ....

She is happy in beautiful heaven now.
Yes! I believe that.

This morning, my sister also made an intention pray in the church, for our lovely mom.
She joined a morning prayer.
......sorry....-.- i couldn't go...
but i never forget to pray for my mom.
Hope my mom's sins forgiven, and always happy...sit on the lap of God in heaven.

When my mom was still alive,
my mom is a strong woman like a diamond in the rough
my mom is honest as a new baby born
my mom like the sun, always shining
my mom is kind
my mom is true
my mom is love

Oh thank you mom.....
for all the things you did
for all to being nice to us
for all the love you gave!
for all being to good dad
for teaching ABC
for teaching how to pray
for words of kindness
for showing what is life!

You're so beautiful mom :)
You always in my heart ....
I am personally....very inspirated by your life.
Very love love love you Mom..... Muachhh!
Yeah.... You're so amazing !

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