Friday, January 7, 2011

Two Become One

Today I was re-reading my little wedding book,
journal/diary about planning my life together with someone I love.
Most of the brides prepare for their wedding within a one year time.
But I have to prepare my wedding within 6 months.. wow....
I was a little bit stressed at the beginning..
But, luckily I have a gorgeous parent, who always help us to organize everything..
^__^ Thank you so much my Dad n Mom :)

My wedding has two part, the religious/ceremony and the reception.
Every color has its own special attitude. Red is romantic, pink is feminine, white is pure, and yellow is cheerful & sunny.
For the decoration, bouqouet, souvenir, we choose combining spirit of yellow&white..

Marriage is the one of seven sacrament in my proud religious.
Our marriage blessed in Catholic Church...
St. Fansiscus Xaverius, Semarang, at 10.00.
Very meaningful, spiritual, and beautiful..
We pray together start even before we are married.
We ask for The Graces to build our lives together and to welcome children into our marriage.

And.. in the reception... at Miramar Restaurant, at 12.00...
we walk together... & see our family n friends smile to us,
to be a one-day king & queen,
what a beautiful day..
Unforgetable ...

But, the most important are after the big day...
Now life as marriage couple begins, life is going to change!
Life together with a lot of understanding... together in a good & bad conditions...
And there's a lot of homework to our journey of love...

I just try to spend a lot of time feeling good & smile everyday, having FUN being a good wife..
And trust Jesus in every step of my life...

Let me say this : Marrying him is the best decision I have ever make .. :)

Happy Wedding Day, my husband Jonathan Ditto...

From : 12-12-2010... To : Forever...

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